Andhrapradesh Forest Range Officer Recruitment-2024

Vijetha academy

Applications are invited through online for recruitment to the post of Forest Range

Officers in A.P. Forest Service for a total of 37 vacancies in the scale of pay of Rs. 48,440/– 1,37,220/- within the age group of 18 - 30 years as on 01.07.2024.

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Name of The Board : APPSC

POSTS : Forest Range


Mode Of Application : Online

Application Start Date : 15-04-2024

Application Last Date : 05-05-2024

Qualification : Degree

Age : 18 - 30 Years

▪️ For Sc/St/Bc/EWS 5 Years Age Relaxation

Application Fee :

▪️Applicant must pay Rs. 250/- (Rupees two hundred and fifty only) towards application

processing fee and Rs 120/- (Rupees One hundred and twenty only) towards

examination fee.

▪️However, the following categories of candidates are exempted from payment of examination fee Rs.120/- only.

▪️SC, ST, BC & Ex-Servicemen.

▪️Families having household supply white card issued by Civil Supplies Department,

A.P. Government. (Residents of Andhra Pradesh).

Selection :

▪️Preliminary Exam

▪️Mains Exam

Salary : 48,440–1,37,220/-

Note: Candidates who want to apply for these jobs should read the details in the official notification and apply

Online Apply & Official Notification PDF Download Link

Online Apply              NotificationPDf

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